Southwest Metro Magazine feature

Imagine my surprise when my face turned up on the cover of Southwest Metro Magazine! I was tremendously honored and flattered to be included in a feature on local artists for their April issue. They first contacted me a few months ago to do an interview with them (the editor found me on Etsy, just one of many reasons why I love Etsy!) and then later I was asked to come in for a photo shoot. But they never actually told me it was going on the cover so I was expecting maybe a paragraph with a photo. I'll admit it's a little freaky to see your image on something like that and have it start popping up in texts from your neighbors, friends, and family: "Look what came in the mail today!" Kelsey Kuno from SWMetro did a lovely job with the article and it's really exciting to see all the work I've been putting into this new career of mine start to catch people's attention. It still always surprises me when someone wants to buy one of my art prints or orders my fabric. If anything it tells me that even though there are still many things I'd like to accomplish, in the meantime I'm doing something right.

 I'll post links here to the magazine and article once it's available online. Thanks for all the support!


Favorite Part of My Day: I illustrated a book!


New season, new work!